We're here to help
- 9096740004
- info@lot22oliveoil.com
We grow in a small southeast corner of California, but are proud to be a part of a global community of growers.

Our Process
We Always have a fresh olive oil every 6 months. Olives only harvest once in each hemisphere. With our connections to small farms in the Southern Hemisphere, we are able to take advantage of a 2nd growing season, which allows us to provide you with a fresh olive oil every 6 months.

Our Story
We planted 50 olive trees in 2009 with the romantic idea of being able to make our own olive oil. At first taste we looked at each other and said, this is amazing, we should plant more trees! We realized very quickly that the olive oil we had bought growing up and the olive oil we were making was very different. We said, "People should know what this tastes like", They should know where their olive oil comes from. We planted more trees and over time connected with other farmers asking about best farming practices, harvest techniques, and started working with a master miller in order to recreate our very first kitchen experience for everyone who tried our olive oil.


After 3 years, we harvested our first small crop, and worked through the night until morning to get the best olive oil we could.

With our connections to small farms in the Southern Hemisphere, we are
able to take advantage of a 2nd growing season which allows us to
provide you with a fresh olive oil every 6 months.

Today we still grow, but also work with many of the same family farmers
who helped us along the way to create all of our cold pressed olive
oil’s from Lot22.